How Dietary Changes Can Help Prevent Colon Cancer

In recent years, colon cancer has become one of the most common cancers in the United States. Statistics show that most colon cancer cases are diagnosed in people who have reached 50 years of age or older. However, incidences in younger people have increased steadily. Colon or colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that develops from cells found in your colon and rectum lining. This article will focus on diet and how making changes to help prevent colon cancer can be as simple as eating more fruits and vegetables.

Foods high in fiber can reduce your risk of colon cancer.

Making changes in your diet can improve the way you feel and help prevent colon cancer. Fiber found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps prevent colon cancer by decreasing the time it takes for stool to travel through your intestine. This gives fecal matter less contact with bowel walls allowing carcinogens fewer chances of becoming attached to cells that line your colon wall.

Choose dark leafy green vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts or fruits such as berries, oranges and apples. Also, add whole grains and beans such as whole wheat bread, brown or wild rice, lentils, oatmeal and quinoa to your diet.

If fiber is new to your diet, be sure to add it into your diet gradually and drink plenty of water. A sudden change in your eating habits can cause discomfort or gas.

Eat less red meat and processed meat.

Red meats such as beef, pork and lamb have been known to increase the risk of colon cancer. Eating processed meats such as lunch or deli meat, sausages, bacon and hot dogs have also been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer.

Nowadays, there are various plant-based foods that could substitute some of the meats you are currently eating.

Limit or stop drinking alcohol.

Alcohol can increase your risk of colon cancer. If you do choose to drink alcohol, limit yourself to one or two drinks per day. One alcoholic beverage is defined as 12 ounces (355 ml) of beer, five ounces (150 ml) of wine, or 0.33 fluid ounces (11 ml) of 80-proof distilled spirits or hard liquor.

Positive changes to prevent colon cancer

Besides lowering your risk of developing colon and rectal cancer, the added benefit of eating healthier and limiting alcohol may be losing weight if you are overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese are also risk factors for colon cancer as well as other cancers.

Less alcohol, a well-balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables and less processed food has many benefits and can improve other health issues. These are risk factors that we can control and actively change to prevent colon cancer and other cancers.

There are other things we can do to help prevent colon cancer. Staying active by exercising regularly is another way to possibly reduce your risk of developing colon cancer and other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Start slow if you're starting an exercise routine. Walking or riding a bike are some examples.

Another change you can make is to quit smoking. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for colon cancer as well as other cancers, including lung cancer. If you're trying to stop, talk to your doctor about what kind of support and medication they can offer you.

Making changes in your diet, exercising regularly and quitting smoking can all help you reduce your risk of developing colon cancer and benefit you for years to come.

The most effective way to prevent colon cancer

Above all, the most important thing you can do to avoid colon or colorectal cancer is to get a colon screening. According to the American Cancer Society guidelines, if you're 45 or older, you should get screened for colon cancer. A colon screening or colonoscopy is a procedure that checks and removes polyps in the colon before they become cancerous. Catching these growths while they are small is best because there are more options for treatment. Gastroenterologists typically perform colonoscopies.

Some demographic groups, such as African Americans and those with a family history, are more at risk and should possibly get a screening sooner. Talk to your physician to discuss when is the best time to get a colonoscopy.

If you're looking for a way to reduce your risk of colon cancer, the first step is making healthy lifestyle changes. By eating more fiber in your diet and limiting alcohol intake, staying active with exercise, quitting smoking, and getting regular colonoscopies when recommended by your healthcare provider, you can significantly lower your chances of developing this disease. What are you waiting for? Get started today on living a healthier life! Do it for you and the ones you love. Which steps have you taken towards preventing colorectal cancer already?


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