Navigating the Diagnosis: What to Expect When Suspecting Liver Disease

gastrointestinal liver specialists of tidewater virginia beach

Liver disease refers to a situation that damages or inflames the liver. Your liver may get damaged for many reasons, including genetic, infectious, or other. 

To ensure you secure the correct treatment for your liver disorder, Tidewater, Virginia Beach's gastrointestinal liver specialists perform a series of diagnostic tests. Each of the tests involves various steps and procedures. 

If you want to determine what you expect from these liver diagnosis tests, consider reading this post until the end.

Diagnosing Liver Disease – Understanding the Different Types of Procedures/Tests

1. Liver Biopsy

The biopsy of the liver is a medical practice done to remove a small part of liver tissue. Doctors use this piece for carrying out further assessments of the liver condition.

A liver biopsy is done when the liver is not working properly, and your doctor wants to learn about the condition of the liver accurately. With a liver biopsy, it is possible to:

  • Detect infections and cancer
  • Diagnose liver damage and its stage
  • Provide causes for swelling or abnormal levels of liver enzymes

What to Expect During Liver Biopsy?

Before the biopsy, the gastrointestinal liver specialists of Tidewater take blood samples to ensure your blood is free from infection. You are prohibited from drinking or eating anything eight hours before the test.

You must inform the doctors about all your medications, including supplements, allergies, bleeding issues, or if you are pregnant.

Your doctor will also offer additional instructions regarding medications.

How is Liver Biopsy Performed?

The liver biopsy is performed in different ways:

  • Laparoscopic

The doctor inserts a laparoscope through a small incision in the abdomen. It sends images of the liver to a monitor. The laparoscopic method is used when the doctor requires tissue samples from a particular part of the liver.

  • Traditional

The doctor injects a local anesthetic into the numb area during this procedure. The doctor ensures to make a small cut in the right side near the rib cage and insert a needle to get a small sample of the liver tissue. 

An ultrasound image is used to guide the needle to get a small sample of the liver tissue. The entire process lasts about twenty to thirty minutes. 

  • Transvenous

The doctor inserts a tube called a catheter into the vein in the neck and shifts it to the liver. It is used if you have blood clotting issues or have fluid in the abdomen.

2. Liver Function Tests

Another series of tests performed by your doctor is to check the health of your liver. It measures the blood levels for certain enzymes and proteins in the blood. Proteins are big molecules that are required for overall health.

Why are these tests done?

Liver function tests are done as part of the regular checkup. Doctors use this test to screen patients at risk for a liver ailment. Also, it helps to understand liver disease and check if the treatment is working fine.

3. Common Types of Liver Function Tests

  • Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is an enzyme in big amounts in the liver, pancreas, and bile ducts. It measures the GGT level in the blood.
  • Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme found in large amounts in bile ducts, the liver, and other body parts. The ALP test measures ALP in blood.
  • Aspartate Transaminase is an enzyme obtained in large amounts in the liver and other body parts. It measures the level of AST in blood. 
  • Alanine Transaminase enzyme is present in the liver. It measures the level of ALT in blood. 

4. Bilirubin Tests

It is a yellow fluid made in the body during the breakdown of red blood cells. The test measures the bilirubin level in the blood. If the liver is damaged, bilirubin leaks into the blood and results in jaundice.

5. Liver Protein Tests

  • The total protein measures the protein amount in the blood. The two proteins found in the blood are albumin and globulins.
  •   Globulin is a protein made in the liver and supports the immune system in fighting infections.
  •      Prothrombin is a protein found in the liver and helps with blood clotting. The prothrombin time test determines how long it takes for the blood to clot. 
  •       Albumin is another protein made in the liver. This test measures how well the liver makes the proteins your body requires.

6. Common Imaging Tests

Tidewater's gastrointestinal and liver specialists suggest other tests to take pictures or images of the liver to diagnose liver disease. Different kinds of images are obtained by using different equipment.

However, such tests do not show fibrosis or inflammation. Hence, the doctors do not recommend them to determine NASH or whether you have fatty liver. There are other sorts of imaging tests that are used for measuring fibrosis. It is done by measuring the stiffness of the liver.

If the liver stiffness shows scarring, the specialist will perform other examinations, like:

  • Magnetic Resonance Elastography

It is a non-invasive test that includes features of MRI imaging and ultrasound to create a visual map showcasing stiffness gradients throughout the liver. MRE gives a more reliable assessment of liver stiffness in obese patients.

  • Transient Elastography

This examination measures the stiffness of the liver and uses a special ultrasound machine. The commonly used machine is FibroScan. Just like a regular ultrasound, it is non-invasive and painless.

  • CT Scan

A computed Axial Tomography scan or image is useful for looking at deeper tissues in the liver in detail. It helps diagnose numerous liver disease conditions. 

Significance of Liver Disease Diagnosis

An accurate liver disease diagnosis is essential to ensure you get the correct treatment. It is possible to manage liver problems with a few lifestyle modifications like losing weight, stopping the use of alcohol, and careful and regular monitoring the liver function. Other liver issues can be treated only with proper diagnosis and can help prevent the liver's ultimate failure.

If you are suffering from liver disease and looking for an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment, consult the gastroenterology consultants in Virginia Beach. Experienced and skilled specialists can help you overcome the challenges with ease and offer you proper care.


Liver disease occurs because of various reasons. The treatment for liver disease depends on the root cause of the ailment. To determine the correct reason behind this disease, the gastroenterology consultants in Virginia Beach perform a series of diagnostic tests. To discover in detail about these tests and what you may exactly expect from it, consider reading this post. 


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